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7 post ideas for businesses – Part 1

20 September 2022

Being stuck in a rut with Instagram posts is a thing that happens to all of us! Of course, we want to make sure that we’re offering quality content to our followers, but sometimes we feel uninspired or the ideas fail to flow as they usually do. Don’t panic – in this helpful guide, we have rounded up some posts that you can try if you’re stuck for ideas! Be sure to stay tuned for part 2!

Meet the team posts – If you’d like to add a slightly personal element to your brand, it may be worth introducing key members of the team to your following. This is a great tactic for making your followers feel like they are involved with the business as it gives them some insight into the people behind the brand/page. This is also a great thing to do if you’ve just had a new team member join. You may want to include their contact details so that if necessary the person can be reached directly.

Before and after – Depending on your business and service, before and after pictures always make good posts on social media. People love to see a transformation so if you’re involved in anything that involves kitchen refurbishment, cosmetic treatments or even personal training – this would be beneficial for you! By doing this you will be showing your work, to be honest, and authentic, people are more likely to interact with your brand if they can trust in what you do!

Customer reviews – Similar to the above, customer reviews/testimonials are great posts to feature if you’re stuck for ideas. These posts will really build on the authenticity of your business. By showing that people have had a great experience when using your service, you will be more likely to attract new customers. How you do this is completely up to you – you may want to do a video-style post that shows a customer speaking about their experience or you may want to do a text-styled post that shows a snippet of the review!

User-generated content/ influencer posts – If you work with influencers in your business, this would be a great option for things to post on your timeline. This is effective if you have a clothing brand or makeup line or you’re involved in the beauty industry. Be sure to tag the pictured influencer in the post to help you increase your reach as you will look more desirable as a brand if renowned influencers are working with you! The influencer may also share this post to their own personal page which again will be great for your brand!

Educational Infographics – These types are a great idea depending on the type of services your business offers. Maybe you could break down the key ingredients of your product or even break down statistics from a recent survey that you conducted. The purpose of these posts is to provide the viewer with a helpful snippet of information that they can take away with them. The great thing about these kinds of posts is that they are shareable, people may go on to share with their friends or reshare them to their personal pages.

Tips and advice – These kinds of posts offer helpful hints for your followers that they may need when interacting with your product and service. Tips and advice are always well received, so this is a great post if you’re looking for a way to provide valuable posts to your followers. Again these posts are valuable because they could potentially be shared to the individual’s personal account and will help to increase your reach and engagement!

Job Posts – If you have an opportunity available within your business, this would be a great thing to promote on your page. By doing this, you’re helping to reinforce that your workplace is a great environment to work in. By sharing the job on this platform, you may also get the post seen by a wider range of people and therefore increase the number of applications you receive.

You may even want to take this one step further and make this job post an ad! That way you can boost the chances of getting the content seen and you can also set the demographics to target the type of individual that you think would be great for the job! These types of posts are great as they are shareable – it may be that someone sees this post and sends it to a friend that they think may be interested!

So to finish, we hope we have given you some helpful ideas on some potential social media posts that will help to boost your engagement or even help to grow your following. It’s all about being consistent with quality posts – give your audience something that they can interact with and watch your account grow!

If you have any further questions or if you would like us to go into more depth about any of the above, we’d be happy to help! Drop us a line!

What style of post will you be trying for yourself first? Let us know in the comments!

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