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Content ideas you need to know for LinkedIn

16 September 2022

Now that you’ve got your LinkedIn account up and ready to go, it’s time to get started with producing some quality content that will help to grow your following, help you to get new customers/clients and to increase your engagement!

1) Aim to increase engagement with LinkedIn polls – LinkedIn polls are a great way to get a conversation started with your followers. You may get them to respond to a poll that asks about what kind of content they would like to see from your business or you could even test new ideas for the business that you may have on them so that you can gain some market research in a quick and efficient way!

2) Share business news and project updates – Your followers and following you because they have an interest in your brand and want to interact with you. This is why it is essential to keep your followers engaged by informing them of any exciting updates or projects that you are currently working on. If you have an exciting event coming up or if you have good news to share, your followers will want to hear about it! People love good news so it is likely that posts like this will get good engagement!

3) Job opportunities – A great piece of content to share on LinkedIn are job opportunity posts! Because LinkedIn is a business platform, there is a high chance of people resharing the job post and even tagging in people that can help elevate the post or people that would be interested in applying. Not only does this do wonders for your engagement but it will also help you to get someone on the job quicker!

4) Company brochure – A great way for your followers to gain some more insight into the brand would be to share your company brochure. Not only does this save the need to have physical copies but it will also help to spread your brand ethos and give people an easy way to see what you do!

5) Team introduction – This again is a great way to share some inside information about the company to help your followers feel more connected! This could be a great way to introduce key members of the staff like the directors so that your followers know who to contact if needed. This would also be a nice feature for any new starters!

6) BTS office tour – For this, you could create a video specifically for LinkedIn that shows people around your premises! It would be a great idea for a key member of the business to host this tour and maybe conduct some interviews alongside it. Again this would be another element that helps your followers gain a little insider information about the company. It will also be an attractive feature for potential new staff to see. Video content is something that is being pushed across many platforms so it would be good to try it for yourself!

7) Promote your blog – If you have a blog for your business, a great way to promote it would be to share it on LinkedIn, this may then prompt the likelihood for further discussion in the comments of your article comments on thought-provoking industry news or any relevant industry topics!

8) Share infographics from recent studies – If you have recently conducted some market research for your business and have some qualitative and quantitative data that you can share, why not create an infographic specifically for Linkedin? This is a great idea to try as infographics are shareable and can potentially gain a lot of engagement for your business!

We hope this article has been helpful in helping you to generate some potential post ideas for your LinkedIn business page! If you have any questions or would like us to go into more detail on a certain topic, please feel free to contact us and let us know!

What content do you receive the most engagement on when you share on LinkedIn? Let us know in the comments!

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