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TikTok tips that you need to know!

19 September 2022

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing platforms, and while it may seem pretty intimidating at first, it is a very helpful tool that can help you to connect with your audience and gain new
followers! If you’ve just created your account but don’t quite know where to start, keep reading for some helpful tips that will get you started. Remember don’t put too much pressure on yourself, practice makes perfect!

Create a business account – When you first sign up for TikTok, you’ll be able to select which kind of account you wish to create! If your aim is to grow your business on TikTok then that is the account we recommend you choose! With a Business account, you are able to create promoted posts, partner with TikTok influencers, and also set up automated responses when someone messages you! Adding to this, you can set up TikTok shop features with a linked Shopify site, and you can have a product page on your profile as well.

Use the right hashtags: When it comes to hashtags, there is no text limit but it is recommended that you use 3-5 so that if you have a caption, it is still readable. Using the right hashtags will help to boost the visibility of your content so it is worth doing your research into what’s effective for you to use. Hashtags are favored by the algorithm so using the right ones will make sure your content is targeted at the right audiences. Hashtags will also help your content to become more searchable by TikTok users too!

Know when to post on TikTok: When you are a content creator, it is essential that you know the best times to post so that you can ensure that your content gets seen by as many people as possible. Once you begin to grow your audience, it will become easier to see when this is! After researching the best times to post on TikTok, we discovered that Thursdays and 7 pm was reported to be the date and time that lead to the most engagement! It may be worth looking at what times your competitors post and try replicating that strategy to see what works.

Follow the right accounts – To help grow your TikTok, it would be worth looking at some accounts that you follow. To understand your audience, you have to find those who interact with your industry so search key hashtags and keywords for some accounts to follow. It could be that they follow you back due to being in the same market, so it’s worth giving it a try!

Be consistent and produce quality content – Consistency is key, the more time you invest into creating content and building your account, the better you will become and the more people will notice how much time you’re putting in! The more people see you on the FYP the more they will come back to keep engaging with you! Adding to this, be sure to be creating quality content that stands out – see if there are any trends that you can take part in or try something completely original! See our previous post on content ideas for TikTok!

Have fun with it! – Of course, you want your content to gain as much interaction and engagement as possible but if you’re enjoying the entire process of creating a TikTok then this will come in time! Be authentic and show the personality of your brand. TikTok is a fun app and people will connect with content that motivates them, inspires them, or educates them. Try and figure out what your audience is watching and the reasons why and plan your content around that.

We hope that this article has given you some helpful tips to get you started on TikTok! It’s a learning process, so keep practicing and experimenting with different things! If you have any
questions or would like us to go into more detail on a certain topic, please feel free to contact us and let us know!

Do you use TikTok for your business? Let us know in the comments below

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