When is the best time to post on social media, and does it really make a difference?

18 September 2022

When you’re planning your content development plan for social media, it is essential that you focus on what you want to post, why you want to post it, and which platform it will be posted on! One thing that is also vital that you figure out is when you want to post! With so many different social media platforms and so much content, it is easy for your content to get windswept with everything that is already out there. This is why you need to ensure that you’re posting at the best time that will enable your content to be seen by a larger number of people.

It is absolutely worth doing your research into the optimal times for posting your content. As great as your content may be, posting at the right time will truly help you to reach those numbers you are aiming for! The attention spans of your followers are very fragile so capturing them at the best time is vital! As you research it may be a good idea to have a look at what your competitors are doing so that you can either try posting around the times that they do or posting before!

After researching into the most effective times for posting on social media, it has been discovered that an optimal time to post across all platforms is 10:00 am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays! Morning content is usually well received due to the fact that people have just settled into their work and maybe checking social media for any updates or in between starting their next project.

When you post on social media, it is likely that you’ll feature at the top of your followers’ news feed if they interact with you. This is because the algorithm to many platforms favour newness, so it is important to take note of this!

When it comes to posting on Facebook – research has shown us that the universal best time for this platform is Wednesdays between 11am to 1pm. This time period is effective because people may be taking their break or lunch from work so will have time to actively consume. Adding to this, you will get the most consistent engagement on weekdays from 9 am–3 pm. This is because after work, people will usually get distracted with other work they have to do, so if you post at this time, receiving good engagement is more likely!

For Instagram, it has been discovered that the best days to post are Tuesdays and Wednesdays and the best times to post are also 11am to 1pm for the same reasons! Research shows us that posting on weekends can have a lower rate of engagement. This may be because people are more likely to be out and about instead of being on their phones.

If your company uses Twitter, it is worth looking into the best times for posting on this app. After looking into the best time to post, research has shown us that the best time to post is 9am and the best days for posting are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The early time may be due to the fact that many people check their Twitter for a news updates. Due to the simplicity of the app, it is easy to get quick updates that can be consumed quickly, so this may be why!

When it comes to posting on LinkedIn, research has shown us that the best time to post content is from 10am to 12pm and the best times to post are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Since Linkedin is a professional app that is focused around business, it makes sense that these are the best time to post as users will be focused on their day and may have more time to check social media during their break!

In conclusion, we hope that we have given you an easy-to-follow guide on some of the best times to post for different platforms. Keeping these dates and times in mind is essential as it could make the difference between your content being seen by a few to getting viewed by a large number of people. Once you gain a larger following, it will be easier to see what works best for you so it may be worth starting with these suggestions as a guide and seeing what happens. We wish you all the best of luck! If you would like any more tips or would like us to go into detail about any of the above points, please get in touch!

Currently, what time do you post your content on social media, and what days work best for you?

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